Problems Of Excessive Alcohol Consumption Posted By: Esteri: "Drinking problems are currently one of the major world burden experienced today because of its great potential of causing many diseases and deaths per year.
One may wonder, the reasons behind the increased number of those who really can handle swallowing multiple bottles in no time, at this age of hard living.
Signs that indicate irresistible desire for a drink involve nausea, vomiting, sweating, anxiety, tremors, sleeplessness and neglect of other endeavors in life since lots of time is spent in drinking and recovery process.
Addiction problem is not only addressed in terms of the level of consumption but also the drinking patterns.
Some come home from worthy jobs and open a bottle of wine, and before they know it, they have finished it off and opening one more to numb their stress.
Teenagers will sneak from home with friends during the weekends; they get drunk to test their limits and have fun.
The no- brains- for- alcohol drinker fears ever going to parties because after only one or two glasses, they feel either drunk or faintly ill, yet they feel that they need to drink to relax in social gatherings.DRINKING"
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